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rock painting
rock painting
  1. Gather materials:

    1. Smooth and clean rocks

    2. Acrylic paint and paint brushes

    3. Gesso and sealant 

  2. Prepare the rocks:

    1. Wash, clean, and dry them before applying paint

  3. Gesso the base of the rocks

    1. This will ensure that the acrylic paint goes on smoothly and doesn’t fall off

  4. Design and paint

    1. Use a pencil to sketch a design first before applying the paint

    2. Use your creative imagination!

  5. Seal the paint

    1. Once the paint has dried, use a clear, weatherproof sealant to protect the design

Interesting Facts About Rock Painting


  • Rock painting dates back to ancient times, with people using rock painting as a form of storytelling and rituals

  • Commonly seen in Native American and Aboriginal art

  • A modern movement called “The Kindness Rocks Project” paints motivating and positive messages on rocks to leave for people to find and read

kindness rocks project

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